Our services include assessing environmental conditions in occupied spaces and reviewing occupant daily activities, work habits and lifestyle. Our personalized assessment methods help you to dissect your spatial experience and fine tune conditions to create harmonious living and working environments.

Mindfully Choreographing Your Environment

Indoor Environmental Quality Surveys

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, you are likely to spend 90% of your time indoors. Enhancing your indoor environment can have a positive affect on health, wellbeing and productivity. We assess indoor environmental conditions associated with:

Air Quality

• Ventilation

• Thermal Comfort

• Moisture & Mold

• Lighting

• Acoustics

We recognize that each occupant has specific preferences and sensitivities that require a customized approach for helping to create a desirable environment.

Surveys may initiate changes related to maintenance, upgrades and/or relocation. We provide guidance and monitoring services to assist in managing any space transitions that may be needed.

Space Organizing & Ergonomic Consultations

A well organized interior can significantly affect your spatial experience. Placement of furnishings, electronic devices and other personal items can impact how you move through and maintain your spaces. Ergonomically designing your space to match your activities can promote ease of movement and reduce musculoskeletal and eye strain. Organizing can also reduce mental stress and promote a general sense of comfort and wellbeing.

We review space configurations and assist with:

  • Decluttering: Discarding what is no longer needed

  • Re-Organizing: Prioritizing and maintaining what is essential

  • Enhancing: Accessorizing to improve existing conditions

Our process helps you to unpack your personal items and make space to create new opportunities for optimizing functionality and comfort.

Movement Patterns & Body Positioning Evaluations

The way you move and position your body while performing daily activities affects how you feel in your spaces. Your thoughts are registered in your muscles as your mind and body work together to influence each other. Increasing your awareness of how you move can help inform how you can make adjustments to facilitate a more comfortable experience.

Our process includes observing your movement, posture and breathing patterns, and inviting you to explore your bodily sensations. Inquiries may include recalling past injuries, and we may utilize video or photography to help highlight and review positioning.

Mindfully reviewing past and present activities can help formulate recommendations and guidance to improve ease of movement and plan future activities.

W h o l e H e a l t h A p p r o a c h

Our integrated, mindful and personalized approach is based on the following suppositions:

  • Environmental, social, emotional and physiological health are all interrelated.

  • Human circumstances are often complex, and important information may not be readily apparent.

  • Every person is unique and will respond to their surroundings differently.

We apply these suppositions to develop meaningful client relationships and help collaboratively formulate plans to create safe and comfortable spaces to live and work.